This exercice consist to create a product card for Barcelona chair on desktop and/or on mobile where the main goal is to convert the user into a buyer.
To solve the exercice, I follow the step bellow.
Discover & Define
I started by discovering phase in order to know cleary my users, they goals and what can lead them to purshase the product. Unfortunately my research don’t go far from Internet based on time and ressources. Even if make user’s interviews, survey and others can help me better known my users, the internet research is an start point and add a positives points to my empathise with users.
Based on that, I list questions user may ask himself when it navigate on the product page and I categorise them by Must have, Good to have and Nice to.
Then I decide to unconsidered the nice to have informations in order to accelerate the user decision and avoid distracting him.
Ideate & Prototyping
At this stage, I look for inspiration on existing product, e-commerce website and I brainstorm those who suit my goal. I also define the typography and colors.
After that, I skech a Zooning and finally produce the Hi-Fi prototype for desktop and mobile.
Af the end,I got a consistence and user centric responsive ( Desktop and Mobile) product page.
Although, stand the doubt on the difference between Product Card and Product Page was quit difficult.
Also, I face challenge to empathise with user without have a clear idea about them.